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on close terms 意味

"on close terms"の例文


  • 《be ~》親しく交わる
  • close     1close n. 《文語》 終わり, 結末. 【動詞+】 He was approaching the close of his life.
  • terms     terms 条件 じょうけん 体様 たいよう
  • on close terms with    《be ~》(人)と親密{しんみつ}な仲である
  • on close terms with one's neighbors    《be ~》お隣とは親しくお付き合いしている
  • close to 0 percent in real terms    《be ~》(金利{きんり}が)実質{じっしつ}ゼロ金利{きんり}の領域{りょういき}に入っている
  • be on terms     be on ... térms 〔人と〕…な間柄[仲]である〔with〕《◆...は形容詞》 be on bad [good, speaking, friendly, visiting,equal] ~s with him 彼と仲の悪い[仲の良い,言葉を交す,親しい,行き来するような,対等の]間柄である/ We're on first name ~s. (名で呼びあうほど)親しい仲
  • in terms    {1} : はっきりと、明確に -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《be ~》交渉中、談判中、相談中
  • in terms of    ~に関して、~の点から見て[見ると]、~の観点では、~の言葉{ことば}で言えば In terms of sales, our company is doing better than last year. 売り上げについては、わが社は昨年よりも上昇している。
  • on no terms     on [upòn] nó térms 決して…ない.
  • terms    terms 条件 じょうけん 体様 たいよう
  • a close    a close 終末 しゅうまつ
  • as close as    《be ~》あたかも~かのようである
  • at the close    大引けに
  • close     1close n. 《文語》 終わり, 結末. 【動詞+】 He was approaching the close of his life. 人生の終わりに近づいていた Publication of this book marks the close of a decade of research. この本の出版が 10 年に及ぶ研究の完結となる The
  • close at    《株》終値{おわりね}~で取引{とりひき}する、終値で~をつける


  • on the other hand , there is a hypothesis that says she was on close terms with mitsunari ishida .
  • also keien was on close terms with fujiwara no yukinari and he is referred to in " gonki " (yukinari ' s diary ).
  • the people with whom i was on close terms died one after another , and every time when i wrote sotoba (a narrow wooden plank ), my sleeve got wet with my tears . (with kotobagaki (foreword ))
  • as mentioned above , since he devoted himself to painting when he was young , he lost his right to inheritance , and thereafter he lived as a painter and art collector and was on close terms with ryusei kishida .
  • tomoito ' s son , the sixteenth-generation kichizaemon tomonari sumitomo , was also a araragi-ha poet and was on close terms with mokichi saito and jun kawada (who was also an executive at the sumitomo main office ).
  • after yoshimitsu died in 1408 , she was not on close terms with yoshimochi , who succeeded him , and due to his negating the court measures of yoshimitsu , yasuko ' s funeral was not positioned as a mother of an emperor .
  • he had been on close terms with jokei , who worked hard for restoration of kofuku-ji temple from the aspect of learning of religious doctrines , and chogen , who devoted himself to the restoration of todai-ji temple; especially , the friendship with the former lasted even after they retired .
  • he was on close terms especially with g . r . bauer and carl p . thunberg (swedish leading disciple of carl von linné ), and learned mercury treatment from them to treat syphilis which was epidemic in japan in those days , and applied it to actual treatments .
  • yoritomo was on close terms with jien , a monk of the tendai sect in the early kamakura period , and composed waka (a traditional japanese poem of thirty-one syllables ), which his zotoka (exchange of poems ), ' i can ill afford to understand to hold back without a word , please do exhaust your whole heart in the letter as if you traverse to tsubo no ishibumi (stone monument ) at the end of mutsu ,' was selected to shinkokin wakashu (new collection of ancient and modern japanese poetry ).
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